Saturday, December 5, 2009

This Is my first ever blog.

This is my first ever blog. Well, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those people who influenced me to use this website to create my blogs, my friends. I may not be a fluent speaker or even a writer of English language but I can still express my feeling by using this language. Well, let me introduce my self first, I'm Julie Ann B. Navarra, a 16 year old Highschool Student at Concordia College, Paco, Manila. Many people say that I am very lucky to have my family. I know. Yes, I am very lucky to have them, I hope that they also feel lucky to have me. :) . I know that I'm not an intelligent student at school but still I convince my self to study hard for my family and for my future occupation. Eventhough sometimes I can't help but to cry because I know that I can't be a good student as my mother and my little sister can. It should not be the end of your dreams that you want to pursue in your future. Eventhough I'm not a good student as what they are, I still believe that I can still show to them my best quality like being a friendly person, a good joker, and a sweet little girl. I know that I can do that. So, what else?, the next days would be a busy day for me. So gotta go! :)